Reduce. Reuse. Recycle

E-Waste Supplier

A recycling culture is rapidly emerging in Nigeria and E-Terra Technologies is pioneering this boom. From corporate corridors to grassroots streets, E-Terra is blazing an innovation trail that is protecting personal and environmental health from exceedingly toxic electronic waste (e-waste). E-waste is in fact the most toxic waste found in our landfills and the fastest growing waste stream in the world. We are saddled with the burden of innovatively tackling this growing waste crisis that has undoubtedly reached critical point nationally and globally.

In line with the global vision for environmental sustainability, we run regular roadshows which are an innovative way to educate and sensitize grassroots communities towards environmental issues. We simultaneously run an incentivized collection scheme whereby grassroots communities are mobilized to hand over their e-waste to not just anyone who might discard the poisonous end product at landfills, but to a responsible and eco-friendly recycler of electronic waste in exchange for cash and gift incentives; thereby effectively and quickly detoxifying local communities in the sustainable interests of individual, family, community and national health.

During our roadshows, we are asked repeatedly if it is okay to gather e-waste and supply in bulk for larger incentives. The answer is YES. Of course, yes! At E-Terra Technologies, we are committed to doing everything we can to kick start and maintain a sustainable environment that engages community spirit and is truly a win-win for all.

Some of our technology is as a matter of fact the first of its kind in West Africa. While we are constantly upgrading to serve our environment in the most responsible manner worthy of human pride and accolade, we have a list of e-waste items we can readily process, and a list of non-collectible items we will continue to update from. An inventory (model, kind and quantity) of gathered e-waste is required from every Supplier at the start of each transaction to enable a concise quote from E-Terra. This can be communicated using text and pictures via traditional email, social media mail and in person. Outdated electronic items closer to scrap value will attract lesser value quotes. Pick up location for each supply will be negotiated between E-Terra and Supplier.

We are currently enlisting Suppliers.

The Supplier role is ideal for informal handlers, Alaba Electronics Market personnel or Computer Village personnel and similar who come in constant contact with e-waste. If you are interested in engaging us beyond our regular roadshows, to supply e-waste in bulk, please do not hesitate to contact and we will be happy to be of service.